Taste Of Thai

Taste of Thai

Taste of Thai provides the most up to date information for most of the Thai Events and Festivals throughout the UK and provides direct contacts to the organisers of each event

Taste of Thai - Thai Events and Festivals 2018 in the UK plus contact details for all UK Thai Consulates

ALL THAI EVENTS ARE LISTED AND PROMOTED FOR FREE PREVIOUS YEARS EVENTS THAI EVENTS AND FESTIVALS ARE WELL ESTABLISHED INTHE UK AND BELOW IS A RECORD OF WHAT"S BEEN HAPPENING OVER THE LAST 4 YEARS Here you will find information for Thai events and festivals in the UK as well as the contact details for Thai consulates in the UK and Europe.

The official and national language of Thailand is Thai which is spoken by 60 million people in Southeast Asian region and one of the ancient languages in East and South-East Asia.

Hot from March to June Rainy from July to October Cool(er) from November to February The Thai people celebrate the The climate in Thailand is very different to the UK and average low temperature is 20°C and high temperature is 37°C.

A full range of Thai foods and recipes can be found here Visitors from most countries who arrive in Thailand without a visa will be granted a 30 day stay if they have proof of onward ticket and adequate funds.

From the most well known such as the Songkran Festival which takes place throughout the country (the traditional Thai NewYear) to lesser know events exclusive to the North such as the Silk / Phuk Seow festival in Khon Kaen, they are all spectaciular occasions that attarct thousands of villagers and tourists who are lucky enough to be around at the right time.

