Loong Men Ke Zhan
Loong Men Ke Zhan Restaurant is situated in London Victoria. Best Asian Grill, Steam Hot Pot, Hot Pot , Karaoke and Wine Bar
London Victoria Loong Men Ke Zhan Asian Grill Restaurant
LOÓNG MÉN is a historical township in northwest China on the Silk Road.
KÈ ZHÀN is a Chinese term for inn.
Sitting on Ancient China’s northwest border, LOÓNG MÉN KÈ ZHÀN served as the last and only tavern before a lengthy desert voyage to the West along this ancient trade route, where travellers to and from the West can seek lodging, food and beverages before their next journey.
LOÓNG MÉN KÈ ZHÀN is the first Oriental open grill restaurant in the UK providing an exotic dining experience where you get to grill how you want it and just as you want to taste it.