Chip Shop

Fresh fish, sea food and Old Skool HIP-HOP.

Chip Shop BXTN

Reviews and related sites

Review: BIG NOYD (@rappernoyd) Live @ChipShopBXTN — I Am ...

Review analysis
food   ambience  

More spe­cific­ally, New York legend Big Noyd and the leg­acy of Mobb Deep.

Mobb Deep rap­per Prodigy’s passing in June this year led to a flood of trib­utes from rap­pers such as Nas, Ghost­face Kil­lah, Meth­od Man and many oth­ers.

Big Noyd arrived in the game around twenty years ago, hav­ing deb­uted back in 1993 on Mobb Deep’s album Juven­ile Hell.

The music is the gritty hard-hit­ting con­front­a­tion­al style pop­ular­ised in 90s New York, which the fans all rel­ished, and sev­er­al mosh pits sprung up through­out the night.

Through­out, Big Noyd and the open­ing acts con­tinu­ally shouted out Mobb Deep, par­tic­u­larly Prodigy’s memory.

Chip Shop BXTN - Breakfast delivery from Brixton - Order with ...

Chip Shop BXTN comes from the couple behind the popular Brixton Village Grill.

The focus has moved from BVG's Portuguese-British fusion cuisine to superior fish 'n' chips – with superbly battered fish and handmade chips doused in spiced salt.

Chip Shop BXTN, 378 Coldharbour Lane, London - Fish & Chip ...

Chip Shop BXTN, London, Brixton. Book now!

Review analysis

The fish and chip shop is a British institution, and from the origins of the dish way back when in the 1860s, the public have taken it to their heart.

While the claim to the first chippy is disputed between the streets of East London and the northern mill town of Oldham, the fish and chip shops of today are always innovating, and at the forefront of the trend is Chip Shop BXTN.

They – as their name would suggest – are a chip shop in Brixton, right in the heart of the district on Coldharbour Lane, and they offer a menu that includes the favourites of cod and haddock and then complement them with rock salt sardines, tuna steak, monkfish tail, Caribbean whole snapper, wild sea bass, steamed mussels, lobster, rock oyster… we could well go on.

Throw in some jerk chicken or lamb chops, steak from the chargrill and even a few pies and you’re well on your way to a great fish restaurant in Brixton.

Book your table today.

Chip Shop BXTN, London, restaurant review

Review analysis

Chip Shop BXTN is a hip-hop-themed fish restaurant on Coldharbour Lane, Brixton, and it is not nearly as odd as it sounds; in fact it is strangely relaxing.

Brixton is a good place for a jaunt; it is newly interesting since David Bowie died, because it was here, at the Ritzy Cinema, that fans came for communion after his “secret” death, as opposed to his “public” death, which I think would have involved David Bowie dying in public, possibly on a gurney outside the Ritzy, after which people would take “corpse selfies”.

And so, out of the Tube and left at KFC, and you find a street that has an identity: that is, dirt and actual human beings and nail bars.

I do not know if there is a relationship between living in Brixton and requiring weaponised nails with hearts on.
