

A contemporary Japanese diner, based on Katsu houses throughout Japan. We strive to produce the finest Katsu and Teri-Yaki by using our own family recipes. Our aim is to spread our infectious love for our Katsu and Teri over to you.

Japanese Katsu, Teri-Yaki & Sushi Restaurant | TANAKATSU London | Angel | islington

We strive to produce the finest Katsu and Teri-Yaki by using our own family recipes.

Our aim is to spread our infectious love for our Katsu and Teri over to you.


Reviews and related sites

NW | 認定日本レストラン|Nintei Nihon Restaurant

ミカド | Mikado | 認定日本レストラン|Nintei Nihon Restaurant

Tanakatsu | 認定日本レストラン|Nintei Nihon Restaurant

土佐 | Tosa | 認定日本レストラン|Nintei Nihon Restaurant
